Absolute Return
New England University Rebalances Portfolios Away From Multi-Asset And Value Equity Strategies

A New England-based university rebalanced two of its portfolios away from multi-asset strategies and value-tilted equities at its board meeting this week.

Industry News
Mid-Atlantic College Searching For Investment Directors

A college based in the Mid-Atlantic is looking to hire two investment-related staffers.

Northeast State Treasurer Selects New Manager For College Savings Plans

A state treasurer in the Northeast has selected a new program manager and investment manager for its college savings plans.

Expected Outsourced CIO AUM Growth To Come From Asset Owners With Over $100 Million: Report

Outsourced cio providers expect to see client growth accelerate among mid- and large-sized asset owners moving forward, according to a recently released report.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Fund Searching For Investment Advisory Services

An investment fund on the West Coast has issued an RFP seeking a firm to provide investment advisory and custodial services.

Daily Feed
Midwest University Seeks CFO

A university based in the Midwest is searching for a cfo to handle day-to-day planning and management of all financial functions.

BlackRock Acquiring Equity Index Manager

BlackRock has agreed to purchase an equity index manager for approximately $1 billion in cash.

Daily Feed
Midwest Fund Adds New Fixed-Income Strategies

A fund based in the Midwest approved recommendations from its general investment consultant to add new core bond and multi-sector fixed-income strategies at its board meeting this week.

U.S. Sustainable Investment Sees Impressive Growth Among Managers, Foundations

Transparency in ESG investing from managers is expected to increase as assets under management in the sustainable investment space continue to well, according to recent research.

California Foundation Hires Investment Advisor

A foundation based in California has hired a discretionary investment advisor to manage its endowment and general investment portfolios.
