Emerging/Diverse Managers
Mid-Atlantic University Releases Initial Report On External Manager Diversity

A Mid-Atlantic university has released its initial report exploring the diversity of the external managers associated with its endowment.

Midwest University Foundation Hires Large-Cap Manager

A Midwestern university foundation hired a domestic large-cap equity manager last month.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Fund To Interview PE, Infrastructure Managers; Review Global Bond Mgr.

A Midwestern state fund will interview private equity and private infrastructure managers to handle maiden allocations to each asset class in the coming months.

Daily Feed
Institutions Committed To Reducing Portfolios’ Carbon Emissions To Net-Zero By 2050: Webinar

University endowments are committed to reducing carbon emissions in their portfolios, many with the goal of reaching net-zero by the year 2050, according to a recent webinar.

U.S. Reps Pen Letter For Increased Transparency About Endowment Manager Diversity

Two U.S. Representatives sent letters to 25 universities to express their concerns about the lack of diversity among asset managers of their endowments.

In The News
For Pensions, Valuing Real Estate Is Tough. Covid-19 Brings New Hurdles

Public pension funds invested in malls, apartments and offices over the last decade in search of higher returns. Now they are grappling with how much those real-estate investments are worth in a world transformed by Covid-19.

Princeton Adds Seven Members To Board Of Trustees

Princeton University has named seven members to its board of trustees, effective July 1,.

Daily Feed
Mid-Atlantic Nonprofit Seeks Director Of Investments

A Mid-Atlantic nonprofit is searching for a director of investments to assist in the day-to-day oversight, management and monitoring of its assets.

In The News
‘Flying Blind Into a Credit Storm’: Widespread Deferrals Mean Banks Can’t Tell Who’s Creditworthy

Banks have pulled back sharply on lending to U.S. consumers during the coronavirus crisis. One reason: They can’t tell who is creditworthy anymore.

Daily Feed
Morgan Stanley Hires Mercer COO To Run Graystone Consulting

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has recruited Jeremy France to run Graystone Consulting, according to an internal memo obtained by NPNews.
