Surveys/Studies Emerging/Diverse Managers Asset Study/Review
Western University Launches Emerging Manager Initiative

A Western university has launched an investment program to increase its use of women- and minority-owned investment managers.

People Moves
Allianz Global Investors Appoints Senior Portfolio Manager

Giulia Pellegrini has joined Allianz Global Investors as a senior portfolio manager on its emerging market debt team, the firm announced.

Industry News
Trillium Asset Management Being Sold To Foreign Financial Services Company

ESG investment firm Trillium Asset Management will be acquired by Australian financial services company Perpetual Limited.

People Moves
Midwestern University Hires Finance V.P.

A university based in the Midwest has hired a v.p. for finance and administration.

People Moves
Ohio Plan Hires Finance Director

An Ohio-based plan hired a new director of finance this month.

In The News
UVM Trustees Update Recruitment Guidelines To Emphasize Diversity

The University of Vermont’s Board of Trustees today approved changes to its Guidelines for Selection of University Trustees to reinforce the importance of seeking diversity when recruiting new members to the Board.

Searches And Hires
Mid-Atlantic State Treasurer Issues Investment Manager RFP

A Mid-Atlantic state treasurer’s office has issued an RFP seeking firms to provide investment management services for its endowment funds.

Searches And Hires
Western Plan Issues Investment, Industry Consultant RFPs

A plan in the West has issued RFPs for both an investment consultant and industry consultant.

In The News
Emerging Markets Are the Next Hot Spot for Sustainable Investing

Well-meaning investors heeding the rising call to buy “sustainable” stocks might not think of emerging markets first.

In The News
USC Discloses Investment Numbers In Fossil Fuel Energy

Five percent of USC’s endowment funds fossil fuel investments, the Investment Office confirmed to the Daily Trojan Thursday.
