A Kansas community college has temporarily rescinded its RFP for a firm to manage its reserve funds and recommend investments, according to a July 9 notice.
Investment consulting firm RVK has launched a new specialty practice that will provide investment program reviews to investors looking to identify the optimal structure for their investment programs, the firm announced.
The Florida Prepaid College Program selected nine investment managers to provide access to their commingled offerings to its prepaid program, savings program, ABLE program and foundation, according to an intent to award notice on its website.
Approximately 40 institutions will be affected by last year’s approved excise tax on net investment income of private colleges and universities, according to proposed regulations from the Internal Revenue Service.
The Oklahoma State University Foundation has approved the formation of Multilateral Endowment Management Company (MEMCO), a nonprofit investment management company responsible for providing advisory services to the foundation, affiliated nonprofits and other philanthropic organizations, Foundation CIO Ryan Tidwell said, in an e-mail.
The University of Michigan is searching for a manager of investments to assist in the oversight of its approximately $14 billion in financial reserves, including its $12.2 billion endowment.