Forthcoming Children’s Book Provides Access, Confidence In Financial Literacy

An institutional investment industry veteran has penned a new children’s book that aims to give children the confidence and access to become financially literate.

Institutions Underexposed To Fixed-Income, Missing Out On Returns: Survey

Nearly all institutions and wealth managers think fixed-income, where many are underexposed, is more attractive than equities as the threat of recession looms, a new study finds.

Institutions Expanding Into Private Assets, Sustainability & Energy Transition: Schroders

Investors worldwide are increasingly expanding into private assets and taking advantage of opportunities provided by the energy transition, however, an annual study finds mixed levels of support for their net-zero targets.

E&Fs Expect Rise In Sustainable Investment Practices In Coming Years: Report

A report finds that 90% of surveyed asset owners expect to already have or be working toward the goal of introducing investment practices into their portfolios by 2028.

Private Markets Firm Sees Opportunity In Quality Industry Leaders, PE Sub-Sectors: Webinar 

Investors can find opportunities for growth with “resilient” portfolio companies in certain sub-sectors of private equity that can prove to be beneficial in an inflationary environment.

E&Fs Must Comprehend Complex OCIO Market Before Hiring Decision: Webinar

Institutions looking into the discretionary investment management should focus on whether outsourced cios are independent, objective and have the necessary market experience.

Impact Investors Allocate Most Capital Through Private Markets, But Public Markets Show Rapid Growth: Study

A new report finds the impact investment space has seen tremendous growth in assets allocated in public markets as the fastest-growing asset class over the last half decade was public debt.

Private Foundation Returns Reign Over Community Foundation Peers, Space Sees Largest One-Year Decline Since GFC: Study

Private foundations reported relatively better average annual returns than their community foundation counterparts for 2022, however, the average annual returns declined from the previous year, representing the largest average year-over-year decline for foundations since the Global Financial Crisis.

OCIO Adoption Expected To Accelerate In Coming Years: Report

Outsourced cio usage is expected to “increase considerably’ over the next two years and nonprofit institutions are expected to adopt the discretionary model at the fastest rates, according to new research.

Q2 2023: Private Infrastructure Offerings Gain Steam, Contribute To Hire Uptick

Institutional commitments to private infrastructure funds increased in the second quarter given attractive characteristics—like providing an inflation hedge or cash yield—and product offerings that have gained steam in recent years, a trend that will likely continue into the second half of 2023 and beyond.
