Domestic Equity
Ohio Highway Places Manager on Watch
The $700 million Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System placed large-cap value manager DePrince,
Real Estate
Louisiana School Plan Selects Principal
The $1.5 billion Louisiana School Employees Retirement System selected Principal Global Investors
People Moves
Evergreen Realigns Consultant Relations Unit
Evergreen Institutional announced today it realigned its consultant relations department regionally
Real Estate
Study: U.S. Real Estate Market Faces Increasing Challenge
The U.S. real estate investment market faces increasing challenges for values and prices to
Hedge Funds Alternatives
L.A. Fire and Police Will Interview For Hedge FoF
The City of Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System expects to interview 11 firms for a maiden
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Fairfax City Conducting Int"l Small-Cap Search
The $100 million Fairfax City (Va.) Supplemental Retirement System expects to interview two firms
Domestic Equity
Plymouth County Watches Delaware Investments
The $520 million Plymouth County (Mass.) Retirement Board will closely monitor Delaware Investments
Seattle Hires TCW For Mezzanine Debt
The $1.7 billion Seattle City Employees Retirement System hired TCW to handle a $15 million
People Moves
Federated Hires Senior Portfolio Manager
Carol Miller was named senior v.p. and senior portfolio manager of the Federated Capital
Domestic Equity
Oakland Hires EARNEST for Mid-Cap Core
The $598 million Oakland (Calif.) Police & Fire Retirement System hired EARNEST Partners yesterday