Domestic Equity
Maryland Puts Torray On Watch
The $30 billion Maryland State Retirement & Pension System placed large-cap manager Robert E.
Alternatives Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
CalPERS Looking For Private Equity Expertise
The $193.3 billion California Public Employees’ Retirement System is searching for firms to provide
Domestic Equity
Oak Park Reviews Manager After Sale
The $60 million Oak Park (Mich.) Retirement System is reviewing its manager Burnham, Sullivan &
Wyoming Completes Study, No Major Changes
The $5.3 billion Wyoming Retirement System may shift some assets among its existing managers but
Industry News
Capstone Launches Church Bond Fund
Capstone Asset Management has launched a new fixed-income closed-end interval fund that will invest
Non-U.S. & Global Equity
San Joaquin To Issue Enhanced Index Int"l Equity RFI
The $1.62 billion San Joaquin County Employees Retirement Association may issue an RFI after its
Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Texas ERS Searching For International Equity Manager
The Employees Retirement System of Texas is searching for an international equity manager to handle
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Michigan Plan Hires 3 Managers
The Southfield (Mich.) General Employees Retirement System hired three managers to handle
Industry News
European P.E. Firm To Launch Fund Aimed At U.S. Investors
European-based fund-of-funds firm CAM Private Equity is readying to launch an offering aimed at
People Moves
GMAM Names Everett President
Nancy Everett was named president and ceo of General Motors Asset Management, replacing W. Allen