Industry News
Companies Lack Retirement Planning, Hewitt Study Shows
Nearly 65% of global employers do not have annual retirement plan goals, according to a study by
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Texas Hoses To Decide On Small-Cap Value
The Texas Firefighters” Pension Commission may decide to search for a small-cap value manager at
Little Rock Fire Considering Alternatives
The $84 million Little Rock (Ark.) Firemen’s Relief Pension Fund will discuss potential investments
Real Estate
Cincinnati May Add Real Estate
The $2.4 billion Cincinnati Retirement System may make an initial allocation of $96 million to real
Domestic Equity
LACERA May Terminate Oak Associates
The $29 billion Los Angeles County Retirement Association may terminate Oak Associates from a
Industry News
Institutional Investors 3Q Returns Boosted By Equity
Equity investments helped boost the returns of U.S. institutional pension plans in the third
People Moves
Lehman Brothers Hires Head of Global Inst'l Sales
Lehman Brothers hired Eric Johnson as global head of institutional asset management sales, the firm
Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Ohio Fund To Issue Enhanced Index, Emerging Market RFIs
The Ohio School Employees Retirement System will issue RFIs for enhanced index and emerging market
La. State Police To Look At Alternatives
The $306 million Louisiana State Police Retirement System will begin looking at alternative
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Maryland Eyes Private Equity, Real Estate
The Maryland State Retirement System is looking to fill out the plan’s 2% allocation to private