5 Questions
5 Questions With University Hospitals V.P. & CIO Daniel Schmitz

Daniel Schmitz joined University Hospitals in the newly created role of v.p. and cio in April. He took the time to answer five questions with FIN News.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Adjusts Proxy Voting

The university has incorporated an investment policy prohibiting proxy votes based on ESG-like considerations and slightly adjusted a hedge fund portfolio after completing an asset allocation study.

Investment Advisory Firm Acquires Investment Consultant & OCIO

The Northwest-based wealth manager and investment advisory firm is absorbing an investment consulting firm that works with several nonprofit organizations.

People Moves
Southern Foundation Names Next CEO

The foundation has promoted its coo as it next ceo as its head is set to retire at the end of the year following nearly seven years of service.

Midwest Association Issues Consultant RFP

The association is searching for a consultant to conduct a review of its trust fund service providers as a best practice to provide continuous improvement of the operation of the fund.

People Moves
Southern University Names New CFO

The university has named a new executive v.p. and cfo after its finance head retired on May 31 after more than 25 years of service.

People Moves
Midwest Organization Adds Public Markets Director

The organization has hired a director of public markets to oversee its public equity and fixed-income portfolios.

People Moves
Midwestern Healthcare Group Seeks Investment Analyst

A newly merged healthcare system based in the Midwest is looking to add an analyst to its investment team to conduct investment-related research across public market and private asset classes.

People Moves
Midwestern Health System Seeks Director Of Investments

The fund is seeking a director of investments to help oversee and manage its operating, foundation, defined benefit pension and health insurance portfolios.

Asset Study/Review
Midwestern Health System Schedules Investment Policy Review

The healthcare system has slated an investment policy review from its general investment consultant for the third quarter.
