Searches And Hires
West Coast Health Plan Concludes Pension Trust Services Search

A West Coast health plan has concluded its RFP seeking pension trust services.

Real Estate
Calif. Plan Taps New Real Estate Mgr.

A California pension plan approved the hire of a new real estate manager at its board meeting today.

Midwest Plan Conducts VC Search; Adds Commitments

A Midwestern plan agreed to conduct a venture capital search and added two commitments at its board meeting yesterday.

West Coast City Seeking Investment Advisor

A West Coast city is seeking an investment advisor to assist with a record keeper RFP search for its deferred compensation and retirement health savings plans.

Domestic Equity
Southern Plan To Consolidate Passive U.S. Equity Positions

A Southern pension plan will consider a recommendation to consolidate portions of its passive domestic equity portfolio at its board meeting in March.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast County Posts RFP To Establish Section 115 OPEB & Pension Trust

A West Coast county has issued an RFP seeking administration services for a combined Section 115 OPEB and Pension Prefunding Trust.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
East Coast Plan Taps New EME, Fixed-Income Mgrs.

An East Coast plan hired a new emerging markets equity manager as well as a passive fixed-income manager in August.

Daily Feed
Midwest Plan Seeking Executive Search Firm

A Midwestern plan is seeking an executive search firm to assist with its search for a new executive director.

Private Equity
Rocky Mountain Plan Makes VC FoF Commitment

A Rocky Mountain pension plan approved a venture capital fund-of-funds commitment for pacing purposes at its board meeting yesterday.

Absolute Return
Midwest Plan Posts Absolute Return Products Search

A Midwestern employees’ pension plan has launched a search for absolute return investment strategies.
