People Moves
Midwest Plan Expands Investment Team

A Midwestern employees’ pension plan hired a senior retirement investment officer for public equities and a quantitative investment officer in October.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Approves Credit Commitment; Private Markets Pacing Plan

A Midwestern plan approved a private credit commitment with Raven Capital Management as well as a 2021 private markets pacing plan at its investment committee/board meeting today.

Administrator - Bundled
Northwest Transit Agency Concludes 457 Bundled Provider Search

A Northwestern transit agency has selected Empower Retirement to provide plan administration, record keeping, education and investment-related services for its deferred compensation plan.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Rocky Mountain Town Hires Deferred Comp Investment Advisor

A town within the Rocky Mountain region hired Equitable as investment advisor of its 401(a) and 457(b) retirement plans at yesterday’s town council meeting.

Rocky Mountain Plan Creates Maiden Infrastructure Target; Axes MLPs

A Rocky Mountain-based pension plan added a maiden target to infrastructure and eliminated its target to MLPs as part of a new strategic asset allocation policy.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest County OPEB Posts Investment Advisor RFP

A Midwestern county OPEB fund has issued an investment advisor RFP.

Midwest Plan Launches Consultant Search

A Midwestern pension plan has issued a general investment consultant RFP after postponing its issuance due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Private Equity
Northwest State Plan Bolsters PE Portfolio; Discloses Commitments

A Northwestern state fund approved a private equity commitment and disclosed additional commitments totaling $1.6 billion at its board meeting yesterday.

Domestic Equity
Northwest Deferred Comp Plan Hires New Domestic Equity Mgr.

A Northwestern deferred compensation plan hired a new domestic small-cap value equity manager to replace a terminated firm at a board meeting yesterday.

Administrator - Bundled
East Coast County Seeking Deferred Comp Plan Administrator

An East Coast county has issued an RFP for deferred compensation plan administrative services.
