Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast Authority To Negotiate Investment Advisor Contract

A West Coast transit authority will negotiate a contract extension with its existing investment advisor.

People Moves
Lyxor Asset Management Promotes New CIO

Lyxor Asset Management has promoted Florence Barjou to cio.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Plan Posts Global Equity RFP

A Midwestern pension plan has issued an RFP for global equity managers.

Industry News
William Blair Launches New Asia Office

William Blair Investment Management is opening a new office in Singapore.

People Moves
Colorado Plan Adds To Investment Team

The pension plan added to its liquid and illiquid strategies teams this month.

People Moves
Real Estate Firm Adds Inst’l Relations Managing Director

The value-add real estate firm will look to expand its institutional platform with the new hire.

Industry News
Maranon Promotes Four And Announces New Hire

Maranon Capital is promoting four of its analysts to associate and adding an analyst to the investment team.

People Moves
AllianzGI Portfolio Manager Departs

Allianz Global Investors has liquidated one of its strategies after assets dropped below a workable level following a portfolio manager departure.

Rocky Mountain Police Plan Posts Consultant RFP

A Rocky Mountain police pension board has issued an investment consultant RFP.

People Moves
Guggenheim Investments Names Regional V.P.

Guggenheim Investments has added Annmarie Woods to its intermediary distribution division as a regional v.p.
