People Moves
HSBC GAM Makes CIO Appointments

HSBC Global Asset Management has appointed Jonathan Curry as cio for the Americas as part of a shakeup to its global investment team.

Industry News
Evanston Buys Minority Equity Stake From TA Associates

The management team of Evanston Capital Management has purchased the minority equity stake owned by certain private investment funds affiliated with TA Associates.

COVID-19 News
UPDATE: West Coast DC Plan Postpones Investment Consultant RFP

A West Coast deferred compensation plan has postponed its investment consultant RFP.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic Authority Rehires Investment Manager

A Mid-Atlantic authority has rehired its investment manager. 

COVID-19 News
Texas Plan Stalls CIO Search Due To COVID-19 Pandemic

A Texas plan has stalled its cio search due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Industry News
FIS Group Rebrands To Xponance

FIS Group and wholly owned subsidiary Piedmont Investment Advisors will rebrand into a combined corporate entity, Xponance.

Midwest Plan Issues Fixed-Income RFP

A Midwestern plan issued a fixed-income RFP last month.

People Moves
Comgest Loses Global Equity Manager

Vincent Houghton has retired from fund management with French group Comgest.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
West Coast DC Plan Seeks Investment Consultant

A West Coast deferred compensation plan has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant.

People Moves
Penn Mutual AM Adds Two Portfolio Managers

Penn Mutual Asset Management has hired George Cipolloni III and Mark Saylor as portfolio managers.
