Passive Equity
Northeast Pension Seeking Passive U.S. Equity Mgrs.

The plan also appears to have reissued its private markets consultant RFP.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western Water District Taps Investment Advisor

The district previously invested its funds with the state treasurer’s investment fund and local banks.

Administrator - Bundled
Great Lakes 457 Plan Snags New Bundled Provider

The city worked with its previously provider for 32 years.

Industry News
Former LSV Execs File Lawsuit Against Firm

The lawsuit alleges fraudulent share sale and breach of fiduciary duty by the firm.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast Pension Hires New Investment Manager

The plan launched a search in July as its previous manager no longer services municipal clients.

Midwest Pension Terminates Western Asset

The firm was terminated from an approximately $102 million domestic core-plus fixed-income mandate last month.

Midwest Pension Shifts Portion Of LCV Mandate To Passive

The plan is also slated to kickstart an asset/liability study and will see the results early next year.

Asset Study/Review
Texas Pension Adds Private Credit Allocation

The plan approved a new long-term asset allocation that includes a maiden 4% target to private credit at its board meeting today.

Industry News
Siguler Guff Closes Latest Small Biz Lending Fund

The firm closed the most recent vintage of its small business lending strategy with over $580 million.

Bank Loan
Calif. Pension Hires Bank Loan Manager

The plan began screening for several bond strategies earlier this summer.
