Jeff Armbrister was appointed global head of co-investments at Hamilton Lane last month.
John Teramana will join Verus as a senior consultant on Dec. 3.
An airport authority in the Northeast has reissued its RFP seeking record keeping services.
A Florida insurance company is seeking financial advisory services for its deferred compensation plans.
The private-equity arm of quantitative hedge-fund Two Sigma is focused on data-rich sectors such as financial services and real assets.
A Northeastern pension plan will continue discussions in its shortlist search for short-term quality credit managers next month, including potentially indexing the mandate.
A Western pension plan will make a hire in its passive domestic fixed-income manager search this week.
A Northeastern pension plan has issued its domestic small-cap equity RFP to replace Fisher Investments.
David Okamoto joined the Employees’ Retirement System of the State of Hawaii as investment officer for credit markets this month.