Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pa. Plan Posts Investment Services RFP

A Pennsylvania pension posted an RFP seeking investment advisory and custodial services.

Western Plan Axes High-Yield Mgr.; Adds Private Commitments

A Western pension plan terminated a high-yield fixed-income manager last quarter and added several private commitments.

People Moves
PGIM Fixed Income Hires Senior PM

PGIM Fixed Income added a senior portfolio manager for the firm’s emerging markets strategies.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Nevada DC Plan Reviewing Emerging Markets, Int’l Small-Cap Options

A Nevada-based deferred compensation plan will review potential international small-cap equity and emerging markets equity manager replacement options.

Florida Plan Hires New General Investment Consultant

A Florida firefighters and police officers pension fund has replaced its long-time investment consultant.

People Moves
BAAM Adds MD To Quant Research Team

Blackstone Alternative Asset Management has hired a managing director on its quantitative research team.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western City To Reissue Investment Advisory RFP

The city expects to reissue the RFP this fall for a firm to provide investment advisory and portfolio management services.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pa. Township Posts Pension Services RFP

A Pennsylvania township has issued an RFP seeking pension services for its pension plan.

People Moves
AndCo Adds Former Callan Consultant

Investment consulting firm taps Atlanta-based consultant that departed Callan in 2017.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast Airport Authority Issues Record Keeper RFP

An airport authority in the Northeast issued an RFP seeking record keeping, administration and participant education services for its defined contribution plans.
