Barry Gill will become head of investments at UBS Asset Management, effective Nov. 1.
Seema Hingorani will join Morgan Stanley Investment Management as a managing director in the next few weeks.
A Midwestern plan approved hires in its searches for alternative risk premia and systematic trend following managers.
A Midwestern pension plan disclosed new private commitments made this week.
A Southern pension plan placed Fisher Investments on watch at a meeting yesterday.
The Northeast Investors’ Diversity Initiative seeks to encourage boardroom change at mid-sized companies based in the Northeast.
Investment consulting firm NEPC is recommending all its clients terminate Fisher Investments.
Hawaii is considering new asset classes and approved a real estate commitment at a meeting last week.
Highland Capital Partners has hired three new investment professionals and opened two new office locations.
A California plan has issued an RFP seeking non-U.S. developed markets managers with less than $5 billion in assets under management.