A West Coast city is seeking administration and investment management services.
A Midwestern pension plan disclosed several commitments at a meeting last week.
Elizabeth Burton, cio of the Employees’ Retirement System of the State of Hawaii, answers 5 questions from FIN News.
A New York fund is looking for below investment grade bond managers to handle $1 billion.
A city on the West Coast is set to conclude its investment advisory services search next month.
A water and sewer commission in the Southeast has issued an investment services RFP.
PSERS, the giant teachers pension fund, still has no plans to break out profits shared with private firms, though it will release totals for last year at next month’s board meeting.
A Southeastern county has completed its search for domestic fixed-income managers.
The director of retirement plan services for a Midwestern pension plan is headed West.
A Missouri-based authority has issued an RFP for retirement plan bundled provider services.