The Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System, despite global economic and political volatility, posted a net investment return rate of 6.68 percent for the recently completed fiscal year.
A pension plan in the Southeast has issued an RFP for a general investment consultant.
A pension plan in New England has issued an RFI seeking real estate managers.
Investment consulting firm NEPC announced today a new diverse investment manager policy that seeks to increase engagement with diverse managers.
A pension plan in Texas will launch a general investment consultant search.
A pension plan in the Southeast disclosed private commitments at a board meeting today.
Dan Glickman has joined private equity investment firm Harvest Partners as a partner.
River and Mercantile Group has named a global head of distribution.
A New England county plan has begun a search for domestic large-cap equity managers.
A school district in the West is seeking a firm to assist in the investment of bond proceeds.