A Midwestern city retirement system has parted ways with a domestic small-cap value equity firm.
Hirtle Callaghan’s ceo will leave at the end of the month to pursue new opportunities.
A sewer district in the West has wrapped up its search for investment advisory services.
Gramercy Funds Management added a managing director and emerging market debt portfolio manager in May.
A Southeastern pension plan is scheduled to discuss an emerging market debt RFP this week.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan approved a recommendation to replace a pair of equity managers.
Fiera Capital recently brought on a new executive v.p. and head of institutional markets.
An Arizona-based pension fund has made a $20 million opportunistic real estate commitment.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan was slated to approve a recommendation to replace a pair of equity managers.
A Midwestern pension plan wrapped up searches for U.S. small-cap growth and emerging market debt managers in July.