Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pa. Township Posts Investment Advisory, Mgmt. Services RFP

A Pennsylvania township is seeking a firm to provide investment advisory, custodial and management services for its pension plans.

Northeast Plan Approves New Commitments

A Northeast pension plan approved up to $1 billion in new commitments at a meeting last week.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Florida City Begins Investment Consultant RFP

A Florida city is searching for an investment consultant for its pension funds due to incumbent’s upcoming contract expiration.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast Deferred Comp Plan Concludes Bundled Provider Search

A deferred compensation plan in the Southeast has concluded its bundled provider search launched earlier this year.

People Moves
Ares Management Names Alternative Credit Co-Head

Ares Management has appointed a co-head of alternative credit within its credit group.

In The News
Lightyear Capital And PSP Investments Close On Sale of Advisor Group To Reverence Capital Partners

Lightyear Capital announced today that investment funds affiliated with Lightyear and the Public Sector Pension Investment Board have completed the sale of Advisor Group to Reverence Capital Partners.

Private Equity
Pa. Plan Approves Private Commitments

A Pennsylvania pension plan approved new commitments at a board meeting yesterday.

People Moves
Cornerstone Hires New Business Development Director

Bethlehem, Pa.-based Cornerstone Advisors Asset Management has brought on a new director of business development.

People Moves
Heard Capital Adds Investor Relations, Product Strategy Head

Chicago-based Heard Capital has appointed a head of investor relations and product strategy.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Fla. City Makes Record Keeper Hire

A city in Florida made a hire in its search for a record keeper and service provider for its deferred compensation and defined contribution assets.
