A Pennsylvania county is nearing the issuance of an RFI for a pension advisor.
A Pennsylvania police department is reviewing options for the management of its pension fund assets.
A plan in the Northeast added a private equity commitment at a board meeting today.
A Southeastern city has issued an RFQ seeking retirement plan consulting services for its retirement programs.
A Midwest city is scheduled to approve a hire in its investment management services search later this week.
A Pennsylvania township has issued an RFP seeking investment advisory and custodial services for its pension plans.
The American Investment Council released its 2019 Public Pension Study, which analyzes investment returns by 165 U.S. public pension funds and highlights how private equity continues to deliver the highest returns of any asset class.
A town in the Northeast has issued an RFP seeking an investment advisor and trustee for its retirement plans.
A transit pension plan in the West Coast has instructed its investment consultant to begin a real estate manager search.
Joseph Cullen, cio of the $11.6 billion Montana Board of Investments, will become the new cio at Pennsylvania State University on Sept. 16.