Potential changes to the asset allocation could include eliminating the plan’s TIPS target in favor of other asset classes.
The plan has been expected to launch an RFP for a general investment consultant due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent.
The new additions will lead Wasatch’s new Global Small Cap Value and International Small Cap Value equity strategies.
The firm was rehired based on “superior quality, efficiency and fitness of [their] proposed solution” as well as the cost-effectiveness of their proposal.
The plan made two commitments in the asset class since its last board meeting.
The search is due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent.
The search was recommended to explore the space for a new core fixed-income manager.
Kevin SigRist has returned to his role as cio at the state retirement systems – a role he resigned from in 2017.
The city issued an RFP last year due to the contract expiration of its incumbent advisor.
The town opted to maintain its current strategy of investing in the local government pool over hiring an external manager.