The plan launched a search in September for a restructuring of its opportunistic bond portfolio.
The district hired a firm to provide investment services for its 401(a) and 457(b) Plans.
The town is seeking investment advisory services for its $17.6 million 457(b) plan.
Kudu Investment Management has made a passive minority investment in farmland investment manager Homestead Capital.
Nicholas Mavro has been named managing director and head of global consultant relations at the global asset manager.
The fund closed with total commitments of €17.1 ($17.6) billion.
The authority is seeking services for its $60 million core long-term portfolio.
The retirement system anticipates hiring two to three managers for a combined mandate size of approximately $1.4 billion.
The plan’s policy requires the hire of an outside investment consultant every 10 years to review the program.
The nonprofit government entity is seeking a firm to provide the services for its over $10 billion in operating and tax-exempt assets.