The search is due to the upcoming contract expiration of incumbent Meketa Investment Group.
The plan hired Albourne as its new strategic investments consultant and brought on Aksia for its private credit portfolio.
The plan’s options could range from minor tweaks to the addition of private equity and emerging markets equity allocations.
The firm hired a v.p. of business development to oversee the strategic development of its intermediaries initiative.
The plan will allocate 10% of its portfolio to risk mitigating strategies as part of a new asset allocation.
The plan replaced the TCW Total Return Bond Fund at its Oct. 16 meeting.
The plan will invest $150 million into Ninety One’s Global Environment strategy.
The plan hired a new international value equity manager following finalist interviews at its September board meeting.
The plan promoted from within for the roles overseeing the $41.2 billion fixed-income portfolio and $144.9 billion global equity portfolio.
The firm has seen record growth in recent years, including onboarding 292 advisors to both new and existing practices across its network in 2023.