Pension plan boards and their investment consultants discussed the impact Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have on the markets and their portfolios.
InHub will join RFP360 division to bring RFP issuers and respondents together on one platform.
The plan is looking to fill an underweight to the asset class within its portfolio.
The plan added a second large-cap value equity manager to diversify its portfolio.
The plan started with a $3 million commitment to the space and may look to add a second commitment later.
Plan is seeking an investment consultant to assess its investment program.
The plan approved a total of up to $25 million to two funds at its board meeting today.
The plan is looking to invest up to $30 million in either a single strategy manager or an emerging manager-of-managers.
The plan promoted from within after initiating a search due to the retirement of Dan Slack at the end of 2021.
A Midwestern university transitioned its operating pool to an outsourced cio model from a traditional consulting advisory model earlier this month.