An updated study from the Knight Foundation shows assets managed by women- and minority-owned firms remains virtually the same as 10 years ago despite no difference in performance.
The city employees plan has an unfilled 7% target to emerging markets equity.
The plan added domestic small- to mid-cap core and value managers to handle $90 million each.
The fund is looking for emerging managers-of-managers to handle domestic small-cap and large-cap equity portfolios.
The plan’s investment consultant is recommending discussions on areas such as real estate, infrastructure, private equity and direct lending.
Plan will review better complements within the actively managed portion of its international equity portfolio.
The plan added a value-add and federal government leased strategy at its meeting today.
The plan will also create a 5% private debt target as part of a new asset allocation.
Emerging Manager Monthly receives first place award, two honorable mentions.
The plan made three commitments totaling up to $32 million at its board meeting last week.