Industry News
Diverse Alternative Investment Industry Issues Call To Action

A group of more than 50 members of the diverse alternative investment industry have issued a call to action in supporting a system to ensure African American and LatinX businesses gain greater access to institutional capital.

Industry News
EQT Sells Credit Business

EQT has sold its credit business to alternative asset manager Bridgepoint.

Private Equity
Texas Hoses Plan Makes PE Commitment

A Texas-based pension fund made a $30 million private equity commitment at its board meeting today.

Calif. Plan Posts Risk Mitigating Strategies Advisor RFP

A California pension fund is searching for an advisor for its risk mitigating strategies portfolio.

Searches And Hires
Florida Police Plan Approves Global Bond Search

A Florida pension fund asked its consultant to conduct a search due to performance concerns with its incumbent global fixed-income manager at a board meeting today.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Florida F&P Plan Issues Int’l Growth Equity RFP

A fire and police plan in Florida has begun a search for an international growth equity manager that was approved at last week’s board meeting.

Industry News
Minn. SBI Postpones Meeting Due to Protests

The state pension board was forced to postpone its meeting due to the lack of a quorum as board members dealt with the fallout of the death of an African American man in police custody.

Credit/Private Debt
Southeast Plan Makes Private Credit Consultant Hire

A Florida-based pension fund hired a private credit consultant to assist with implementing its new target to the asset class at its board meeting today.

Daily Feed
Florida Fire Plan Issues Large-Cap Value, Emerging Markets Equity RFPs

A firefighters pension fund in Florida is surveying the large-cap value and emerging markets equity spaces.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Florida Pension To Seek Int’l Growth Equity Managers

A fire and police pension plan in Florida will look to add a growth exposure within its international equity portfolio
