Domestic Equity Real Assets
Santa Barbara Approves Domestic Mid-Cap Search, Explores Real Assets Management Options
The $2 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System approved a search for
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Oklahoma Law Issues Global Bond RFP
The $695 million Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System today issued its global fixed-income
Hedge Funds Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Springfield P&F Conducting Searches Following New Asset Allocation
The $185 million Springfield Police Officers’ & Firefighters’ Retirement Fund System will conduct
Domestic Equity
Richmond Conducting Private Debt Search
The $471 million Richmond (Va.) Retirement System is currently conducting a search for a private
Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Chicago Teachers Hire Pair Of Emerging Market Equity Managers
The $9.9 billion Public School Teacher’s Pension & Retirement Fund of Chicago approved the hiring
Real Estate Fixed-Income Private Equity
New York Teachers Hires Wellington, Silver Lake
The $90 billion New York State Teachers Retirement System hired its second global fixed-income
Industry News
Fund Evaluation Group Names VP
Steven M. Oblack has joined Fund Evaluation Group as v.p. of hedged strategies, according to an
Industry News
del Rey Global Hires Research Analysts
Benjamin L. Herrick and Dack LaMarque have joined del Rey Global Investors as research analysts for