Absolute Return

Absolute Return
Colorado Plan Makes PE Commitments, Redeems Absolute Return Fund

A Colorado pension fund has made three private markets commitments and redeemed from an absolute return manager.

Absolute Return
Midwestern University Explores Absolute Return Manager Addition

A university based in the Midwest is exploring the addition of a new absolute return manager.

Absolute Return
Midwest Plan Considering L/S Equity Mgrs., Infrastructure Allocation

A pension fund in the Midwest will look to add up to three long/short equity managers and potentially add infrastructure to its portfolio.

Daily Feed
West Coast Plan Hires Absolute Return, Bond Mgrs.

A West Coast county plan has concluded its absolute return and core fixed-income manager searches.

Absolute Return
Midwest City Plan To Receive Liquid Absolute Return Search Report

A city pension fund in the Midwest will receive a search report on liquid absolute return strategies this week.

Private Equity Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary Absolute Return
West Coast Plan To Issue Real Assets Consultant RFP

A West Coast city plan is scheduled to approve a real assets consultant RFP.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Colorado Plan Adds Global Equity Manager, Makes Alts. Commitments

A Colorado pension fund has hired a global equity manager and added absolute return and private equity commitments.

West Coast University Slates $1.5 Billion In Private Investments For 2020

A West Coast-based university will look to commit $1.5 billion in private investments this year.

Absolute Return
Midwest Plan Posts Absolute Return Fixed-Income RFP

A pension fund in the Midwest region has issued its RFP seeking absolute return fixed-income managers.

West Coast Pension Fund Discloses Alternative Commitments

A pension fund on the West Coast has disclosed seven alternatives commitments.
