The departures follow fund changes and closures.
A New England-based university rebalanced two of its portfolios away from multi-asset strategies and value-tilted equities at its board meeting this week.
A pension fund on the West Coast has added a new asset class as part of a completed asset/liability study.
A state pension fund in the Mid-Atlantic region will begin a consultant search in anticipation of the impending contract expiration of its incumbent.
A Virginia-based pension plan approved one hedge fund commitment and the termination of a second at this week’s board meeting.
A New England pension plan approved a private equity and private credit commitment at a board meeting today.
A New England university revised the target asset allocation for its endowment for the 2021 fiscal year.
A Midwestern pension plan expects to issue four RFPs for alternative asset classes.
A West Coast pension fund is keeping close tabs on three underperforming absolute return managers.
A Midwestern pension fund has made a hire in its liquid absolute return manager search.