Administrator/Record Keeper

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Retirement System Adopts New Long-Term A/A; Hires DC Record Keeper

The system will introduce a target to rebalancing leverage as part of a new long-term asset allocation policy for its defined benefit plans and hired a record keeper on behalf of its eight defined contribution plans yesterday.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest Tribe Seeks Retirement Plan Record Keeper, Administrator

The tribal nation is looking to hire an administrator and record keeper for its retirement plan as part of a due diligence review of its existing plan services.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
New England Plan Selects Managers

A 529 plan based in New England has selected program and investment managers after a search.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Rocky Mountain 457 Plan Issues Record Keeper RFP

The search is being conducted in anticipation of the Dec. 31 contract expiration of incumbent Nationwide Retirement Solutions.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast Secure Choice Issues Investment, Program Admin RFP

The secure choice savings program was created in 2021.

Rocky Mountain 457 Slates Equity Mgr. Replacements

The plan’s investment subcommittee will consider domestic mid-cap value and emerging markets equity replacement options at an upcoming meeting.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Va. City 457 Plan Seeking TPA

The selected firm will also provide services for the city’s approximately $137.9 million 401(a) and $23.5 million Retirement Health Savings Plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southwest Plan Issues Administration RFP

The administrator would be responsible for a deferred compensation plan and a health savings plan.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Texas Authority Posts 457 Bundled Services RFP

The authority is seeking plan bundled services on behalf of its 457(b) deferred compensation plan.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southern University System Seeks Record Keepers

The university is searching for record keepers for its five defined contributions plans as it periodically reviews the programs and is considering consolidating to a single provider.
