Administrator/Record Keeper

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast Authority Seeks Admin For DC Plan

Authority is searching for a firm to oversee its $175 million deferred compensation plan.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Mid-Atlantic Plans Issue Record Keeper RFP; Monitor Int’l Value Mgr.

Plans expect to award a record keeper contract and discuss the potential replacement of an international value equity manager in September.

Administrator/Record Keeper
New England City Begins TPA Search

City is searching for a third-party administrator for its 403(b), 403(b)(7) and 457 deferred compensation plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast Plan Seeking Record Keeper/Administrator

The plan has issued an RFP for record keeping and administration services.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northwest Utility District Retains DC Record Keeper

District retained MissionSquare Retirement, which received the highest score from its evaluation committee.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast Plan Seeking Record Keeper

The town is looking to consolidate its record keeping services to one firm.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast City Seeks Record Keeper

City is searching for a record keeper for three of its deferred compensation plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast Swaps Record Keepers
San Joaquin County (Calif.) has hired Nationwide Retirement Solutions to provide record keeping
Administrator/Record Keeper
Texas City Seeking DC Plan Administrator                 

City is seeking administrative services on behalf of its 457(b) and 401(a) retirement plans.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Plan Seeks Mgr. For Retirement Plans

Search is for a firm to provide investment management and record keeping services for retirement plans due to the upcoming contract expiration of its current providers.
