Administrator/Record Keeper

Administrator - Bundled
Texas County 457 Posts Bundled Services Provider RFP

The county deferred compensation plan conducted a similar search for the services in 2017.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest DC Plan Posts Record Keeper RFP

The search is due to the upcoming contract expiration of incumbent Empower Retirement, which is invited to rebid.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Illinois 457 Plan Seeking Bundled Provider Services

The deferred compensation plan is looking to consolidate its record keeping and administrative services with a single provider.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Western DC Plan Rehires Record Keeper

The plan had been expected to conduct a search for the services due to its incumbent’s upcoming Dec. 31 contract expiration.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast DC Plans Seeking Record Keeper

The deferred compensation plans are looking to potentially consolidate record keeping services with one provider.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast 457 Plan Posts Record Keeper RFP

The city is seeking record keeping services for its 457(b) and 401(a) plans.

Administrator - Bundled
California County Seeking DC Plan Providers

The county last conducted a search for the services on behalf of its 457(b) and 401(a) plans in 2019.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast DC Plans Select Record Keepers

The authority selected three firms to provide record keeping services for its two plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Florida County Relaunches DC Record Keeper Search

The county’s negotiations with the previously selected record keeper were terminated.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Great Lakes 457 Plan Seeking Bundled Provider

The plan is looking to review other options after working with its incumbent for many years.
