Administrator/Record Keeper

Administrator/Record Keeper
Michigan 457 Plan Taps New Bundled Provider

The retirement system approved a new bundled provider/record keeper following diligence and presentations from three finalists.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southwest DC Plans Issue Bundles Services RFP

The plans conducted an advisory services search earlier this year.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southwest City DC Plans Seeking Record Keeper

The city last conducted a similar search in 2018 that resulted in the hire of a new record keeper.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast DC Plans Tap New Record Keeper

The district hired a new firm to provide record keeping and administration for its retirement plans this week.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Va. City 457 Taps New TPA

The hire concludes a search launched in May due to the city’s procurement policy.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Western Deferred Comp Plan Slates Record Keeper RFP

The search is due to the incumbent’s upcoming contract expiration.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Pacific Northwest DC Plan Posts Record Keeper RFP

The deferred compensation plan is seeking both record keeping and custodian services.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southern University System Consolidates To Single Record Keeper For DC Plans

The system hired a single record keeper for its five defined contributions plans after launching an RFP process in the second quarter.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast County Posts Record Keeper RFP

The county is looking to consolidate to a single record keeper for its 457 plan.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast Deferred Comp Plan Seeking TPA

The selection firm will provide services such as administration, record keeping and investments.
