Administrator/Record Keeper

Administrator/Record Keeper
N. Dakota System Issues Record Keeper RFP

The selected firm will serve from July 1 through June 30, 2028.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast 457 Plan Issues Bundled Provider RFP

The plan last conducted a similar search in 2017.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Regulatory Agency Fines 11 Firms For Record Keeping Failures

A federal securities regulator has fined 11 firms with failing to preserve electronic communications.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Pacific Northwest DC Plans Seeking Record Keeper

The authority has issued an RFP seeking administration and record keeping services for its defined contribution plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northeast DC Plan Seeking Record Keeper, Administration Provider

The plan conducted similar searches in 2019 and 2013.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Rocky Mountain Fire Authority Issues DC Record Keeper RFP

MissionSquare Retirement currently provides record keeping and administrative services for the authority’s plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Colo. County 457 Posts Record Keeper RFP

MissionSquare Retirement currently provides administrative and record keeping services for the county’s 457 deferred compensation plan.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast DC Plans Conducting Record Keeper Search

The town is seeking record keeping and administration services for its 401(a), 401(k), 457 and Roth IRA plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Northwest 457 Plan Rehires Voya

The plan rehired Voya Financial as its record keeper following an RFP process initiated in February.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast DC Plans Post Record Keeper RFP

The district is seeking a firm to provide administration and record keeping services for its 457 and 401(a) plans.
