Administrator - Bundled

Administrator - Bundled
Mid-Atlantic County Hires Bundled Provider

Firm will provide marketing and enrollment services, administrative services and recordkeeping services.

Administrator - Bundled
Virginia City 457 Seeking TPA

The selected firm will provide services to the plan through Oct. 31, 2027.

Administrator - Bundled
West Coast Water District DC Plans Seeking Bundled Provider

The district is looking for a firm to provide administration, record keeping and investment management services for its plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Virginia DC Plan Retains Bundled Provider

T. Rowe Price Associates has served as the plan’s bundled provider since 2017.

Administrator - Bundled
Windy City Authority Issues Plan Administration RFP

A Midwestern authority is seeking plan administration services for its deferred compensation plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Michigan 457 Plan Launches TPA Search

County is seeking a third-party administrator on behalf of its $78.6 million deferred compensation plan.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest City DC Plan Seeking Bundled Provider

The plan is conducting the search due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent.

Administrator - Bundled
Southeast Town Seeking Deferred Comp Bundled Provider

The town has issued an RFP seeking bundled provider services for its multiple plans.

N. Dakota System Renews Investment Consultant, Record Keeper Contracts

System initially hired Callan as general investment consultant for its defined contribution plans in December 2020 and last renewed its record keeping contract earlier that year.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Windy City 457 Seeking TPA

Search is for a firm to provide record keeping, plan compliance support and administration, among other responsibilities.
