Administrator - Bundled

Administrator - Bundled
Fla. 457 Plans Hire New Bundled Provider

Lincoln Financial Group ranked above incumbent Nationwide Retirement Solutions following finalist interviews.

Administrator - Bundled
Southeast DC Plans Tap New TPA

The plans have hired Empower Retirement as their new third-party administrator.

Administrator - Bundled
Va. City 457 Posts Administrator RFP

City prefers to remain with a single provider for its defined contribution plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Rocky Mountain Program Hires Administrator

Vestwell will help finalize the program’s design.

Administrator - Bundled
Southeast School Board Seeks Bundled Provider

Board is searching for a firm to provide investments, education and administrative services for its retirement savings programs.

Administrator - Bundled
Northwest Health Organization Issues Investment Custodian RFP

Custodian will hold assets, verify data and provide ongoing trainings as the organization looks to transition three separately held investment accounts into the custody of a selected firm.

Administrator - Bundled
Texas School District Posts 457 Plan Services RFP

Search is for services for up to three 457 plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Texas City Begins OPEB Trust Advisory Admin. Search

Plan is seeking firms to provide trust advisory and administration services for the establishment and potential administration of a trust relating to its OPEB obligations.

Administrator - Bundled
Midwest Transit Plans To Launch TPA Search; Hire Emerging Markets Mgr.

The plans expect to issue a third-party administrator RFP in the second quarter and recently decided to replace emerging markets core equity manager Lazard Asset Management.

Administrator - Bundled
Virginia County Schools Launches DC TPA Search

The selected firm will serve for an initial one-year period.
