Administrator - Bundled

Administrator - Bundled
Fla. 457 Plan Posts Bundled Provider RFP

County is seeking a firm to maintain plan documents, provide trust and custody of funds as well as record keeping services for its 457 plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Virginia DC Plan Seeking Bundled Provider

T. Rowe Price Associates currently provides bundled services for the plan.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Calif. County To Launch DC TPA Search

The county expects to launch a third-party administrative services search on behalf of its 457(b) deferred compensation and 401(a) defined contribution plans.

Southern University Swaps Investment Consultants

A university in a Southern state has hired a new investment consultant to oversee its endowment.

Administrator - Bundled
Midwest DC Program Retains TPA

The program will retain its third-party administrator.

Administrator - Bundled
Southern University DC Program Consolidates To Two Vendors

A Southern university consolidated vendors in its non-ERISA 403(b) retirement program in the second quarter.

Administrator - Bundled
Western 457 Plan Taps New Bundled Provider

The plan hired a new bundled provider at a meeting last month.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast 457 Plan Hires New Bundled Provider

The plan made a hire in its search for bundled provider services in October.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western 529 Selects Program Mgr.; Removes Firms From Watch

A 529 plan based in the West selected a program manager in the third quarter to conclude a search launched earlier in the year.

Administrator/Record Keeper
California DC Plan Rehires Bundled Provider

The plan rehired Empower Retirement as its bundled provider last month.
