Administrator - Bundled

Administrator/Record Keeper
Virginia County Schools Retain DC Bundled Provider

The plan has retained Lincoln Financial Group following the issuance of an RFP in the second quarter.

Searches And Hires
Mid-Atlantic School District Seeks Bundled Provider

A Mid-Atlantic school district is searching for a bundled provider for its 403(b) and 457(b) plans.

Searches And Hires
Southeast Utility To Reissue Administrator RFP Following Cancellation

A Southeastern utility has cancelled its search for an administrator for its deferred compensation plans and intends to reissue the RFP at a later date.

Administrator - Bundled
Southeast Deferred Comp Plan Re-Ups With Bundled Provider

The plan rehired its bundled provider at a meeting in August.

Administrator - Bundled
Mid-Atlantic Port Authority Seeks Bundled Provider

A Mid-Atlantic port authority is searching for a firm to provide record keeping, plan administration and participant services.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest 529 Extends Program Manager RFP Deadline

A 529 plan in the Southwest has extended the deadline for proposals in its search for a program manager for its advisor-sold plan to late October.

Searches And Hires
New Mexico Water Plan Seeks Admin, Mgr.

A New Mexico water plan is searching for a firm to help establish and oversee a Section 115 trust.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western College System Seeks Investment Advisory, Custodial Services

A community college system in the West has issued an RFP seeking a firm to provide investment advisory and custodial services for its employee benefit trust.

Searches And Hires
Southeast Utility Plan Seeks Administrator

A Southeast utility plan is searching for a single firm to oversee its 457(b) plan and its 401(a) plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Western Deferred Comp Plan Issues Bundled Provider RFP

The plan is seeking a firm to provide administration, record keeping, investment management, compliance and other services.
