Administrator - Bundled

Administrator - Bundled
Fla. City Eyes Single Bundled Provider Hire
The $7 million City of Stuart (Fla.) 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan will seek approval from the
Administrator - Bundled
Florida Deferred Comp Plan Seeking Bundled Provider
The Orange County (Fla.) Sherriff’s Office has issued an RFP seeking record keeping and plan
Administrator - Bundled
Oregon City Wraps Up Bundled Provider Search
The City of Woodburn (Ore.) selected ICMA Retirement Corporation as the bundled provider for its
Administrator - Bundled
Idaho Board of Education Seeking Consultant Services
The Office of the Idaho State Board of Education Retirement Plan Committee has issued an RFQ for a
Fixed-Income Equity International / Global / Emerging Markets
Md. City Seeking Equity, Bond Mgrs.; Approves TPA RFP
The City of Rockville (Md.) Retiree Benefit Trust is searching for global equity and fixed-income
Deferred Compensation Administrator - Bundled
Ohio City Seeking Deferred Compensation Plan Provider
The City of Cuyahoga Falls (Ohio) 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan has issued an RFP for plan
Administrator - Bundled
Florida City Seeking Record Keeper
The City of Largo (Fla.) is searching for a retirement plan record keeper and service provider its
Administrator - Bundled
Alaska 457 Plan Seeking Record Keeper
The Municipality of Anchorage (Alaska) has issued an RFP seeking a record keeper for its $269.9
Administrator - Bundled
Philly Deferred Comp Seeking TPA
The $1.2 billion Philadelphia 457 Deferred Compensation Plan has issued an RFP for a third-party
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Administrator - Bundled
Calif. Savings Plan Hires Investment Manager, TPA
The California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Investment Board hired State Street Global Advisors