Administrator - Bundled

Administrator/Record Keeper
Midwest Deferred Compensation Plan Posts Record Keeper RFP

The RFP is due to the incumbent firm’s impending contract expiration.

Administrator - Bundled
Midwest ABLE Plan Sticks With Program Manager, Record Keeper

The state disability savings plan selected its incumbent program manager and record keeper to continue to provide the services following a search launched last year.

Administrator - Bundled
Oregon 457 Plan Posts TPA Services RFP

The deferred compensation plan is searching for a firm to provide retirement plan administration and record keeping services.

Administrator - Bundled
Northeast County Deferred Comp Plan Issues Bundled Provider RFP

The search is being conducted due to incumbent Empower Retirement’s upcoming May 31 contract expiration.

Administrator - Bundled
Southern DC Plan Seeking Bundled Provider

The plan is searching for a firm to provide record keeping, administration, communication, education, custodial trustee and investment services.

Administrator/Record Keeper
California DC Plans Seeking TPA

Plans hired a firm for the services following a search conducted in 2016.

Great Lakes County Posts DC Plan Consultant RFP

County is seeking an investment consultant on behalf of its 457(b) and 401(a) plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Illinois 457 Plan Posts Record Keeper RFP

The city is seeking record keeping services on behalf of its deferred compensation plan.

Real Estate
Midwest Transit Plans Terminate Core RE Mgr.

The plans terminated their core real estate manager last month.

Administrator - Bundled
Mid-Atlantic DC Plans Seeking Bundled Provider

The city is seeking a bundled provider for two retirement plans totaling more than $1 billion each.
