Administrator - Bundled

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast City Seeking Record Keeper

The city is also looking to establish a deferred compensation committee as part of the RFP process.

Administrator - Bundled
Mich. 457 Plan Awards TPA Contract

The plan awarded a contract to a brand new third-party administrative services provider.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest University System Seeks Record Keeping, Investment Services For Retirement Plans

The university system has issued an RFP seeking firms to provide lead record keeper, investment, administrative and participant services for its multi-billion retirement plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Calif. 457 Plan Seeking Administrative Services

The plan is working with Benefit Financial Services Group and anticipates a selection in April.

Calif. County Retains DC Consultant

The general investment consultant was last hired following a similar search process in 2016.

Administrator - Bundled
Midwest Transit Plans Tap TPA

The plans selected a new third-party administrator after previously providing the services in-house.

Administrator - Bundled
Southern ABLE Plan Transitions To New Program Mgr.

The plan approved transitioning to a new program manager in the third quarter as its previous provider was acquired earlier this year.

Administrator - Bundled
Calif. City Issues Bundled Provider RFP

City is searching for a record keeper and administrator for its deferred compensation and voluntary employee beneficiary association retirement plans.

Administrator - Bundled
Southwest 457 Plan Issues Bundled Provider RFP

Plan is seeking a firm to provide record keeping, plan administration and participant services.

Administrator - Bundled
Calif. Authority Posts DC Plan Administration RFQ

The selected firm will serve an initial one-year term beginning Jan. 1.
