
New England Plan Bolsters PE, Absolute Return Portfolios

The plan re-upped with existing private equity and absolute return managers at today’s meeting.

Northeast Plan Approves Commitments

The plan approved three private markets commitments at a meeting today following presentations from the firms.

Private Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan Makes Private Markets Commitments; To Consider Pacing Plan

The plan made private equity and infrastructure commitments this month and will consider a 2022 private markets pacing plan this week.

Private Equity
Texas Plan Adds Venture Capital Commitment

Plan finalized a $46 million venture capital commitment on Friday.

Industry News
BNPP AM Integrates BNP Paribas Capital Partners

The integreation bolsters BNPP AM’s private debt and real assets investment division.

Hedge Funds
Alameda County Hires Hedge FoF Mgr.; Makes PE Commitment

The plan hired a hedge fund-of-funds manager following a focused-list search and committed to an existing buyout manager yesterday.

Credit/Private Debt
Windy City Plan Slates Private Debt RFP

A plan in Chicago will issue a private debt manager RFP in the coming months to fill out a maiden allocation approved last year.

Domestic Equity
Mid-Atlantic City Plan Approves Domestic Equity Hire

The plan hired a domestic small- to mid-cap core equity manager from a search that began in September.

Real Estate
Texas Plan Adds Real Estate Commitments

Plan added $39 million in non-core real estate commitments at this week’s board meeting.

Private Equity
Southern College Makes Private Equity Buyout Commitment

A college in the South committed to a buyout fund focused on high-growth technology companies globally with an existing private equity manager last year.
