Plan disclosed a $25 million buyout commitment and axed a currency overlay mandate in June.
The plan nears two co-investment opportunities.
Plan hired a systematic trend following manager after its investment committee had elected to table a decision.
The plan disclosed various second quarter commitments in private markets totaling $300 million.
The plan invested $1.2 billion total in three global growth equity managers during the second quarter.
The plan has narrowed its emerging markets equity search to four firms and private equity search to five funds.
The plan is looking for a firm to produce investment due diligence and/or operational due diligence reports on an as-needed basis.
A fund in the Great Plains region will consider direct lending and private equity commitments at its board meeting today.
An authority representing state government and research institutions has launched a co-investment program and is seeking investment partners to help provide investment to new start-up companies.
A foundation in the Southeast committed catalytic capital earlier this year to help seed the launch of a community development venture capital fund.