
Bank Loan
Texas Plan Narrows Bank Loan Search

Plan will interview two firms in a search to fill its 6% target allocation to bank loans next month.

Private Equity
Southern Calif. Plan Discloses Private Equity Commitments

Plan added three private equity commitments totaling up to $135 million last month.

Hedge Funds
Virginia Plan Swaps Hedge Fund Mgrs.

A Virginia-based pension plan approved one hedge fund commitment and the termination of a second at this week’s board meeting.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Calif. Plan Taps New International Equity Mgr.

A California pension plan approved the hire of a new international equity manager at a board meeting today to replace a terminated firm.

Private Equity
Midwest Plan Adds VC Commitments

A Midwestern pension plan is scheduled to approve venture capital commitments at tomorrow’s board meeting.

South Central Plan To Issue General Investment Consultant RFP

A pension fund in the South Central region will conduct a general investment consultant search due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent.

Religious Order Makes Private Market Commitments

A religious order based in the Mid-Atlantic region made new alternative commitments last month after increasing target allocations earlier this year.

Credit/Private Debt
Southern Fund Narrows Direct Lending Search, Considering Commitment

A Southern fund will consider two domestic direct lending managers to handle a private debt mandate between $50 million and $70 million following the issuance of an RFP in September.

Hedge Funds
Southwest Plan Approves Marketable Alts. RFP

A Southwestern plan will issue its RFP for marketable alternatives after approving a 2.5% allocation to the asset class last year.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Terminates Small-Cap Core Mgr.

A mid-Atlantic county plan terminated its domestic small-cap core equity manager due to underperformance.
