An Illinois pension fund made a first-time commitment to farmland at its investment committee meeting today.
A Virginia pension plan added a $41 million hedge fund investment at this week’s board meeting.
A Midwestern police and fire pension plan will interview two credit managers at a meeting next month.
A fund based in the Great Plains approved hiring a private equity manager to handle its portfolio in in a fund-of-one strategy at its August board meeting.
A New England state plan interviewed two convertible bond managers to handle $125 million today.
A fund based in the South approved the issuance of an RFP seeking investment management services for its new emerging manager program this week.
A pension fund in the Northeast has begun its search for a hedge fund manager partner
A pension fund in the Mid-Atlantic region has approved an alternatives consultant RFP and named a new cio.
A general employees plan has hired a liquid absolute return fixed-income manager to handle $60 million.
A Great Lakes-based pension plan made $8 million in distressed debt commitments last month.