A pension fund in the Northeast is seeking opportunistic credit managers.
A state school pension fund in the South has made two private commitments.
A police and fire pension fund will review its domestic large-cap growth allocation and has scheduled interviews with four private credit managers for next month.
A university foundation in the South considered replacing an emerging markets equity manager and made a real estate commitment at its August meeting.
A police pension fund in Florida approved a follow-on commitment to a private equity fund-of-funds manager at its board meeting today.
A Midwestern pension plan disclosed hires in its emerging markets equity manager search at a meeting today.
A Southeastern pension plan approved a pacing plan for private equity and private debt at a meeting yesterday.
An Illinois pension fund made a first-time commitment to farmland at its investment committee meeting today.
A Virginia pension plan added a $41 million hedge fund investment at this week’s board meeting.
A Midwestern police and fire pension plan will interview two credit managers at a meeting next month.