A West Coast county plan made a multi-asset absolute return hire this week.
A Mid-Atlantic-based pension plan redeemed an absolute return investment at this week’s board meeting.
Developing a successful investment program can help healthcare systems eliminate concerns arising from the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on balance sheets and income, according to new research.
A Western state trust fund is exploring a bid to purchase five million acres-worth of surface land and mineral rights in the region.
A Southern university has added international equity, private real estate and distressed debt investments to its endowment.
A Northeastern university system invested in a new hedge fund manager last quarter.
A New England plan has approved emerging market debt hires and is considering private investments.
A New England pension fund has made a private equity commitment to an existing manager.
A Southwestern pension plan added private equity and real estate commitments last month.
A Midwestern pension plan is scheduled to approve new private equity and real estate commitments at a meeting this week.