
Private Equity
Midwest Plan To Hear PE Mgr. Presentation 

A Midwestern plan will hear a private equity manager presentation at its next board meeting.

Absolute Return
Southern City Plan Terminates Hedge Fund-of-Funds

A Southern city pension plan terminated its hedge fund-of-funds manager at a board meeting today.

E&Fs Utilize Private Markets To Boost Returns, Meet Responsible Investment Objectives: Report

Study finds endowments and foundations are expanding their use of private investments.

Industry News
Investors Expect Long-Term Business Effects Due To COVID-19: Survey

But private investment and tech industry seems well-positioned to withstand the immediate negative impacts.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Foundation Adds Hedge Fund Managers

A Midwestern foundation added several hedge fund managers to its portfolio following a significant shake-up to its manager roster over the fiscal year.

Searches And Hires
Midwest Fund Slates Invitation-Only RFPs For Maiden Allocations

A Midwestern fund will issue invitation-only RFPs for two maiden allocations in the coming weeks.

New England Private Markets Pacing Plan

A New England state plan set a private markets pacing plans at today’s meeting.

Credit/Private Debt
Great Lakes Plan Reviewing Opp. Credit Space

A Great Lakes employees pension plan will review the opportunistic credit space in anticipation of potential recommendation from its general investment consultant next month.

Asset Study/Review
New England Plan Eliminates GTAA Allocation

A New England pension fund eliminated its global tactical asset allocation portfolio last month.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Plan Launches Opportunistic, Distressed Credit RFP

A Midwestern pension plan will look to commit at least $25 million to opportunistic and distressed credit strategies in a new search.
