
Absolute Return
West Coast Plan Makes Alternatives Redemption, Commitment

A West Coast county plan approved one redemption and one commitment in March.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Eliminates Managers Amid New Global Equity Structure

A West Coast pension fund will halve the total number of firms in its global equity portfolio.

Real Estate
Great Lakes Plan Eyes Real Estate, Other Opportunities

A Great Lakes plan will consider opportunities in value-add and core real estate among other asset classes moving forward.

Alternatives Private Equity
Calif. Plan Discloses Private Equity Commitments

A California pension plan has disclosed recent private equity commitments.

West Coast Plan Posts Midstream Energy RFP

A West Coast pension plan has posted an RFP to fill its new midstream energy allocation.

Alternatives Private Equity
Northeast Plan Makes Venture Capital Commitments

A Northeast pension plan disclosed two new venture capital commitments at a recent board meeting.

Private Equity
New England Plan Issues Private Equity FoF RFP

A New England pension plan has issued an RFP for private equity fund-of-funds managers.

Asset Study/Review
Western Trust Weighs Asset Allocation Changes

A Western trust is considering asset allocation changes across its investment portfolios.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Fund Approves New Asset Allocation

A Midwestern fund approved a new target asset allocations at its April board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Adds New Asset Classes To IPS

A Southern trust fund formally added two new asset classes to its investment policy statement in the fourth quarter.
